About Me   

In a world inundated with brilliant stories there's no shortage of formats to digest them. I discovered at a young age that video games can and do find a way to bridge the difference between seeing them and experiencing them.
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More Than a Story

Games have always had a presence in my life, from my earliest memories.

- At age 5, a wall of text on a Doom demo disc I had
- Age 6, the mystery behind the golden gate at the end of Jak & Daxter
- Age 7, the awe at the bravery of the men at Stalingrad to run head first into machine gun fire in Call of Duty
- Age 12, entering an Oblivion gate
- Age 15, landing on the moon in Mass Effect

Every year has birthed swathes of unforgettable experiences through video games and given me insight on how I can inspire people through story in play.

My favourite games are the Mass Effect trilogy, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Alien Isolation & Dead Space.

My favourite films are Alien, Lord of The Rings and Spirited Away.
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Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder

My Approach To Success

From the start of my studies at AIE I wrestled with the conundrum of what separates a student from a professional.

When will my work look more than just "good for a student"?

I hold my work to a high standard. I accept nothing less than that which I would find acceptable as a consumer and an appreciator of passion. To that end I've found a major factor in brilliance to be in the details. My approach is not to glaze over the finer aspects of production, instead to exercise patience and not stop until you find a solution.

There is no such thing as an insurmountable problem, there is ALWAYS a solution.

As a final factor and no less important than the former is to trust your team. It's a mistake to assume that you alone are the sole talent on the team. I've witnessed people make the mistake of taking too much onto themselves by not trusting the skills of their colleagues and ultimately falling short, being too caught up in the worry that they will be let down. Placing trust in someone is a risk, I understand that, that they can fall short of expectation, but you will never get true passion from someone and see the best version of them and their work if they don't feel appreciated or important.

Everyone has something to offer, a good leader finds the strengths in everyone, and above all demonstrates the qualities they seek from others. One day I hope to inspire and lead projects of my own and am always striving to learn what it means to be trustworthy and a good leader.


“Tristan is an enthusiastic and hard working student, with a lot of drive and motivation.

When Tristan finds a project he is passionate about, he goes above and beyond to enhance the project, and works across disciplines to solve problems and add polish to achieve his vision.”    

Murray Lorden
Teacher of Game Design & Production
Academy of Interactive Entertainment, Melbourne

"Over the past six months, working with Tristan on Chronospeed has been an absolute pleasure.

His dedication, combined with his drive to tackle every task, was unparalleled and was a critical factor in the success of Chronospeed.

Tristan also displays exceptional problem solving capabilities as he has a deep understanding of the Unity Engine and is always willing to lend a hand and come up with a quick and simple solution.

His passion for Game Design runs deep, as evidenced by his solo project, Red Pines, which continues to grow. This shows any employer that Tristan is an essential team member for the success of their projects.

Congrats on graduating, mate, and good luck!"

Riley Trotter
Game Designer
Academy of Interactive Entertainment, Melbourne

“Tristan's contributions extend well beyond his coursework. His exceptional talent as a game designer shines through in his impressive assignments.

Tristan excels in both self-motivated and collaborative environments. His outstanding communication skills enable him to explain complex concepts clearly to any audience, and he’s always happy to start conversations and connect with those around him.” 

Natalie Cassar
Events Officer
Academy of Interactive Entertainment, Melbourne

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